


Safety, hygiene, sanitation, beverages


Good manufacturing practices (GMP) and standardized operating procedures for sanitation (SOP) are essential tools to guarantee food safety. The objective of this research is the implementation of good manufacturing practices (GMP) and the standardized sanitation operation program (POES) in a company that produces infusion-based beverages. An initial diagnosis was carried out considering the areas, staff hygiene, cleaning and sanitation during the processing of beverages, GMP and POES training was carried out for staff, manuals were implemented and microbiological analyzes were carried out before and after implementation. In the initial diagnosis, compliance with POES and GMP was achieved with 48% and 49% respectively, and it was finalized with compliance of 74% and 80%. Regarding the microbiological analysis, the total count values of mesophilic microorganisms decreased on inert and live surfaces after implementation. Regarding the analysis by total coliform technique on plate, the result obtained of <3 NMP/mL of total coliforms is within the specifications set by the standard; however, it is important to continue with the implementation of GMP and POES to comply with the current regulations.


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How to Cite

Osuna Izaguirre, S. C., Rosas Domínguez, C., Pollorena López, G., Valverde Juárez, F. J., & Félix Vázquez, J. I. (2024). IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE BUENAS PRÁCTICAS DE MANUFACTURA Y PROGRAMA OPERATIVO ESTANDARIZADO DE SANITIZACIÓN EN EMPRESA DE BEBIDAS. AvaCient, 4(2), 68–78.


