



Economic and social development, Social welfare, Sustainable development.


The main economic sectors in the state of Guerrero are: tourism, agriculture, mining, commerce and fishing;
with a total population of 3'540,685 inhabitants, in 2022, 60.4% of Guerrero residents lived in poverty and 22.2% in extreme poverty. The objective of this research is to identify the concepts related to the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) applied in the operation of the Nodes for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy (NODESS), identifying those operating in the state of Guerrero, their scope and the sectors served in the region to which they belong. In terms of methodology, an exploratory and cross-sectional study was conducted using the interview technique via Microsoft Teams, digital platforms, emails to those responsible for the NODESS, and public information was also requested from the National Transparency Platform. The state of Guerrero is divided into 8 regions, in 6 of them there are 12 NODESS in force, in which the six dimensions of the SSE are satisfactorily addressed. This research identified an area of opportunity for the creation of NODESS in the Central region of the state of Guerrero.


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How to Cite

Leyva Alarcón, P. A., Durán Figueroa, M. E., Peralta Rodríguez, M. I., Zagal Barrera, S. R., & Oropeza Bruno, E. (2024). DIAGNOSIS OF THE NODESS IN THE STATE OF GUERRERO. AvaCient, 4(2), 79–90. https://doi.org/10.69823/avacient.v4n2a13


