



Cultural Tourism, Environmental Quality, Services


This research seeks to contribute to community tourism through the transfer of a methodology for the
evaluation of the quality of service in tourist experiences on Chuburna, Progreso Islands. The aim is to disseminate experiences in the process of evaluating the quality of service on Dophin Islands through the application in the field of study of a questionnaire that measures essential factors to determine the quality perceived by tourists. The questionnaire was applied digitally, and tourists were approached face to face. Focused in finite population by historical records, in the high seasons of the months of July and August, the sample size was determined and the questionnaires were applied in the months of July and August of this year. The information was processed using the SPSS statistical software for analysis and to export the graphs to facilitate their understanding. The goal is to empower the community that provides tourist services in Chuburna for their growth and development as business units. The final results will be presented in February 2025 and the methodology will be provided for service community to continue measuring the quality of the experience perceived by Tourists.


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How to Cite

De la Cruz Canul-Martínez, C. H., & Camargo-Santos, O. C. (2024). EXPERIENCES IN THE MEASUREMENT OF QUALITY IN THE COMMUNITY TOURISM SERVICE IN CHUBURNÁ, YUCATAN. AvaCient, 4(2), 146–152. https://doi.org/10.69823/avacient.v4n2a18


